How to Crush It With Facebook Live Stream

I’ve been using Facebook Live Stream ever since I got access to it on my phone, which I believe was February 18th this year.

And I decided to use it as much as I possible could, which is from Monday to Friday – 5 times a week (sometimes more).

In this post you’re gonna learn awesome tips to help you crush it with Facebook live stream!

First of all, before doing a Facebook live stream you gotta brainstorm a topic that you wanna talk about. Preparation is always the key with anything, especially when you go live and cannot edit the video. You have to create a catchy title, that will make people watch your broadcast. Your title or headline is usually one of the key factors that will determine whether you get attention or not.

The second thing that is super crucial with live broadcasts is you have to engage with your audience. No matter how big or small it is, you gotta interact with them. And not a lot of people are doing that. Most leaders are physically not able to do so, because they’re getting way too many people on their stream (good problem to have though). But while you’re growing, the more you engage – the better.

In the video below I share a couple more details about doing an effective Facebook Live Stream. So if you’re ready to crush it, check it out!

Crush It With Facebook Live Stream

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Jelena Ostrovska


“I help entrepreneurs create a successful brand online using social media & blogging.”

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40 Responses

  1. I have not tackled Facebook live yet. Tried it once and left it alone. I usually use my phone and upload videos. Gotta go back to this. By the way, you do a great job of FB Live

  2. I need to do more Facebook LIVE it’s unfortunate I just got a new Android only has live for my fan page. May have to take that thing back lol. I need it for my profile. Insightful info as always Jelena, thank you!

  3. Facebook live is really gaining in popularity. Thanks for sharing the tips. Its all about video marketing.

  4. Awesome training on using Facebook Live Jelena. Broadcasting live is one of the hottest ways to brand yourself. I agree having a catchy title will get more people on your live broadcast so you should put some effort into creating a good one.

    I’ve seen marketers broadcast on Facebook and Periscope at the exact same time which is a great way to serve both of your audiences but like you said if majority of your audience on Facebook (which it most likely is) then it just makes sense to do your live broadcasting from there.

    Great blog post thanks for putting this training together it’s going to help a lot of people getting started with this awesome marketing platform.

  5. Haven’t gone live yet? Thanks for these tips. I know I will be needing them soon! πŸ™‚

  6. Great tips Jelena!

    Haven’t done much FB Livestream, but thinking of doing one live one per week for my Doctor is In Shows…

    Dr. Lisa

  7. Thanks for all the tips regarding Facebook and the Power of ‘Live Streaming’. I G + this post and even bookmarked it to come back again. Thanks for all the value as usual Jelena!

  8. Great post Jelena, I love Facebook live, I didn’t know it can be done on personal page… great tips… what do you think of the Facebook live video quality?

    1. Yeah, it’s available for the majority of people right now on personal page (not all countries though).

      The quality is fairly good. I think it also depends on the type of phone that you’re using and the lightning should be good.

      Not sure which phone you’re using, but in some cases I have an option to upload the Live in the highest possible quality (which should be done through Wi-Fi).

      I would say, that the quality is good πŸ™‚ If you’re connected to a good Internet of course! Otherwise it may be crappy

  9. This is soo interesting !!~ scary though love your video and your content really appreciate β™₯☺

  10. Great advice on Facebook Live. I’ve been loving your live streams, and thanks for the free training!

  11. I’ve been using FB Live for a while now and love it. It really is a great way to engage with your audience. And I actually didn’t like Periscope as I feel FB is easier to use. Thanks for sharing the valuable info Jelena!